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With members from all over the CT/RI/MA tri-state area, the Yankee Waterfowler's Hunting Retriever Club offers regular training sessions for members at a number of Connecticut's many field trial areas.

YWHRC also hosts AKC and HRC licensed hunt tests annually, as well as other events, like our annual Singles Championship and Pheasant Championship. 

Our members are willing to provide assistance to new retriever owners and members.

YWHRC is a member of the Hunting Retriever Club, Inc (HRC), The United Kennel Club, Inc (UKC), and the American Kennel Club, Inc (AKC). YWHRC is a founding member of the Master Amateur Retriever Club (MARC) and the Master National Retriever Club. (Note handlers wishing to receive eligible qualify passes towards the Master Amateur must have an individual MARC membership before entering a Master hunt test.) 

YWHRC conducts training sessions, HRC and AKC hunt tests, and seminars that are designed to develop the “Hunting Retriever”. We try to focus on having fun, training all retriever breeds to participate in realistic hunt tests and preparing these dogs for the hunting season.

The time and energy you put into your dog will last your dog’s lifetime.

The YWHRC is a non-profit organization that was created to:

  • Educate handlers, breeders, owners, and the general public and to encourage/promote quality in the breeding and field testing of hunting retrievers.
  • Protect and advance the interest of hunting retrievers through education and encouraging sportsmanlike participation at hunting field tests.
  • Conduct training sessions, sanctioned and licensed hunting dog tests under the rules of the YWHRC, HRC and AKC.
  • Promote the use of trained retrievers as a conservation tool and efforts to preserve and improve wildlife habitats.
  • Perpetuate the grand sport of waterfowling.

Club membership is open to persons of all ages who are in good standing with AKC and UKC/HRC. Junior members 17 and under must be sponsored by an adult member - the junior membership is free. Applicants must be sponsored by a YWHRC member in good standing.

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