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Club membership is open to persons who are in good standing with AKC. Applicants must be sponsored by a YWHRC member in good standing.

            Before applying for membership please review the Bylaws of YWHRC.


            (a)There shall be 3 types of memberships, Individual, open to all persons 18 years of age or older, Spouse, open to spouses of Individual members, and Youth, open to children under 18 years of age. All categories of membership candidates must be in good standing with the AKC, NAHRA, or UKC/HRC, subscribe to the purposes of the club, agree to abide by the codes of conduct of our parent organizations, and be sponsored by a member in good standing.
            (b) Individual and Spouse members must work for the good of the Club a minimum of TEN (10) hours per calendar year, Youth members must complete FIVE (5) hours (for example: must actively contribute to one major event and/or actively serve on a committee). The Club shall make special work accommodations for members who, due to age, infirmity, or other extenuating conditions, are unable to perform strenuous physical activities in the completion of the annual work requirement.
            (c) While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the Club's primary purpose is to be representative of the hunters/sportsmen, breeders and exhibitors in its immediate area.
            (d) All members of Yankee Waterfowlers Hunting Retriever Club agree to abide by this constitution and bylaws and the rules of the AKC, NAHRA, or UKC/HRC.

            SECTION II: DUES Annual membership dues shall be assessed as the Board of Directors sees fit and shall be payable on or before the 1st day of January each year. No member may vote whose dues are not paid for the current year. During the month of December, the Membership Secretary shall send to each member a statement of dues for the ensuing year.

            SECTION III: ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP Each applicant to membership shall apply on a form as provided by the Board of Directors and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by this constitution and bylaws and the rules of the AKC,NAHRA or UKC/HRC. The applicant must be sponsored by a member in good standing. The application shall state the name, address and occupation of the applicant. Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the coming year. All applications are to be filed with the Membership Secretary. If the Membership Secretary determines that the application is complete including verifying the sponsor, the application will be forwarded to the membership via the email list within 10 days of submission. The membership will then have 14 days from the day and time the email was sent to voice objections to the applying member. If no objections are raised during that time, the Membership Secretary will notify the applicant their membership has been accepted. If objections are raised the Board of Directors will review the application and objections and may make one of the following three decisions:

            1. Elect the new member

            2. Reject the new member's application

            3. Defer the election of the applicant to the next membership meeting where the objections will be discussed and the membership application put to a vote of the membership. The individual(s) expressing concern will be notified of the date of the meeting the application will be discussed at.

            The Membership Secretary will notify the applicant of the outcome of their application.

            Apply for Membership

            ©Copyright 2024 Yankee Waterfowlers Hunting Retriever Club 

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